How to Improve Study Habits of Your Kids?
Are your kids losing interest in studies? Do they throw tantrum whenever you tell them to open the book? Are they struggling to do their homework on time?
Well, this story is common among most parents out there who are worried about their kid’s negligence towards study. They may even resort to strictness or rebuke which can worsen the matter.
The key is here to evoke your kid’s interest in the study. And it can be achieved by making study fun and engaging for them. Here’s how…
Create a Study Schedule:
Firstly, set a study schedule for them. It should cover the time for homework, play, and rest intervals. You should encourage them to follow the schedule.
Make sure to arrange the schedule in a few sessions so that it doesn’t seem a burden. For example, you can arrange it in two sessions of 1-2 hours—the first session will be after school while the second one will be conducted after dinner. In addition to that, you can keep the track of their assignment done in a day by using a chart of logging assignments.
Remove Distractions From the Study Room:
Don’t keep the TV, mobile phones, and computers in a study room as they may distract your kids mind off study. Besides, the room shouldn’t be in the middle of the passageway to entering and exit the point of your home.
Show Your Participation:
Your active involvement in their revision, homework, and other activities is important. It will encourage them to study. You can resolve most of the queries or use real-life objects and experiences to make their study engaging.
Meet Their Teachers Very Often:
See your kids’ teachers frequently so that you can have an idea of their academic performance. This way, you can make informed decisions when it comes to improving their performance.
So these are some ideas to encourage good study habits in your kids.
David Lim is the writer of this article is a regular contributor on the behalf of ChampionTutor. Championtutor is the Most Trusted Home Tuition Agency in Singapore. With more than 10 years of experience in home tutor services, Championtutor have successfully matched thousands of students and tutors & prepare children to their next academic step in their educational and career pursuits